Step By Step

Further Material
Ancient Mask Texturing


“MiniMe” where two 3D Character Sculpts done while participating at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ Animation Program. It was created as part of the Character Design and Sculpting course. We were tasked sculpting a stylized version of ourselves and acompanion, then having to retopo, bake and colourise the height maps and either bringing them into Maya or into UE5.
Ruins on the Cliff

“Ruins on the Cliff” was an Unreal Engine 5 Environment done while participating at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ Animation Program. It was created as part of the Interactive Authoring course. We were tasked with making a simple camera animation through an environment of our own making. We were allowed to use Quixel’s Megascans, and any free assets we needed for the project.
Target – Render Step By Step

“Target – Render Step By Step” was a 2D Rendering done while participating at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ Animation Program. It was created as part of the 4th Semesters Final Project. We were tasked with creating an animation over the 3rd and 4th semester of university. As part of this we were also tasked with creating a Target render to properly visualize the style and atmosphere we were going for.
Jump Practice

“Jump Practice” was a 3D Animation done while participating at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ Animation Program. It was created as part of the animation fundamentals course. We were tasked with animating a jump with a character and jump of our choosing.
Mechanical Heart

“Mechanical Heart” was a 2D rendering done while participating at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ Animation Program. It was created as part of concept art and design course. Where we were tasked designing and rendering an object of our choice.
GameJam – Ecocide

“Whoopsie Ecocide” was a game project done while participating at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ MMA Game Jam. At the beginning of the event, we were given a prompt and had to produce as a group of 10 people (coders and artists) a game over the span of a weekend.
Chicken Attack

“Chicken Attack” was a VFX illustration work done while studying at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ Animation Program. It was part of the Rendering and VFX course. We were tasked with combining any material of our choice into a believable and seamless scene.
Warden of the Forest

“Warden of the Forest” was a 2D Illustration work done while studying at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ Animation Program. It was part of the Concept and Creature Design course. We were tasked with creating an original character design to be later turned into a character Bust.