




Character & Creature Design & Sculpting
Character & Creature Design & Sculpting

Learning Goals

Character Design, Sculpting Fundamentals, Retopo and Texturing Workflow


“MiniMe” where two 3D Character Sculpts done while participating at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences’ Animation Program. It was created as part of the Character Design and Sculpting course. We were tasked sculpting a stylized version of ourselves and acompanion, then having to retopo, bake and colourise the height maps and either bringing them into Maya or into UE5.

I chose to stylize myself in close to clay motion style. I aimed for largely clean shapes and surfaces while also using a lot of hard an exaggerated shapes and edges. Additionally, I chose to add a Quill and Feather companion to my character.

Make Up:

  • The environment is of my own making.
  • The Characters are fully self-made, in design and sculpting.
  • The characters are fully retopoed.
  • The characters high details are baked into normal maps as well as fully textured.
  • The characters are posed in Maya with the help of a quick rig.
